
Treasury and Cash Management money

Treasury and cash management is crucial to your company’s success. A business can be profitable yet still run into trouble with cash flow issues. We assist in designing, implementing and managing a cash management system to enable you to meet your cash requirements and your bank’s loan covenants and credit line covenants now and for the future. We can review your current procedures and make recommendations for improvements.

Internal Controls

We can assist in writing, updating and implementing policies and procedures to create strong internal controls to meet the requirements of an external audit or your own requirements. This will lead to improved profits and cash flow by improving ineffective operating procedures.  Internal control reduces risks of asset loss, promotes efficiency and helps ensure the reliability of financial statements and compliance with regulations and laws. We can assist in SAS 70 assessments, risk assessments, fraud prevention and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) implementations.

Risk Managementfiles

We can assist you in:

  • Selecting a risk insurance broker
  • Selecting an insurer
  • Developing an appropriate risk insurance program for your company
  • Mitigating risks to reduce your insurance premiums

Corporate Governance

Good corporate governance helps to prevent fraud and potential civil and criminal liability of the corporation.  A good corporate governance image enhances the reputation of the company and makes it more attractive to customers and investors.  We can assist in developing and implementing policies and procedures in the areas of compensation, purchasing, human resources, sales, accounting and stock option plans to ensure your future success.

Use our expertise and judgment to help your team achieve improved results without slowing down existing operations and without adding to your personnel expense.

Call Steve at 919-475-6707 or email at Steve@CFORelief.com